Monday 8 January 2018

Virtual Machine

VM Creation:

Create VM-> choose image
Step1: Provide Basic details
Step2: Choose a size
Step3: provide settings

Step4: Create

Add Data Disks

We can add extra data disks to Virtual machines.
Create VHD in on-premise
·        Open Disk management->Create VHDàprovide VHD name path.
·        Click on Disks->Initialize disk
·        Click on unallocated sizeàRight click select New Simple Volume.
·        Click on disk->detach VHD
Upload VHD to blobàGo to VM->disks->add disk-> add blob url.
Capture VM image
It will use for create VM image multiple times based on single VM Image(both OS and Data).
Login VMà Open sysprep:  C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep sysprep.exe
Select generalize checkbox
Click Capture in Azure VM
Enter Name in Create image section
Note: Once you create generalize image, then VM is not useful, we need to delete it.

Goto->VM ->Backup->Provide Recovery service vault name and policy->create.
Goto Recovery Vault ->Click on backup items->Virtual machines->Click on VM NameàRestore VM
Load balancer
It is a VM container and it manages the load between VM’s.
Azure Load Balancer delivers high availability and network performance to your applications. It is a Layer 4 (TCP, UDP) load balancer that distributes incoming traffic among healthy instances of services defined in a load-balanced set.
  Load balance incoming Internet traffic to virtual machines. This configuration is known as Internet-facing load balancing.
  Load balance traffic between virtual machines in a virtual network, between virtual machines in cloud services, or between on-premises computers and virtual machines in a cross-premises virtual network. This configuration is known as internal load balancing.
  Forward external traffic to a specific virtual machine.
 Availability set overview
An Availability Set is a logical grouping capability that you can use in Azure to ensure that the VM resources you place within it are isolated from each other when they are deployed within an Azure datacenter. Azure ensures that the VMs you place within an Availability Set run across multiple physical servers, compute racks, storage units, and network switches.
If a hardware or Azure software failure occurs, only a subset of your VMs are impacted, and your overall application stays up and continues to be available to your customers. Availability Sets are an essential capability when you want to build reliable cloud solutions.

Fault Domain :
  A fault domain is a physical point of failure. Think of a computer (or a rack of servers) that is physically plugged in to a power outlet in one location (Unplanned update). If a power outage happens, that computer goes offline.
When creating a new virtual machine instance, Azure will automatically place that instance in a new Fault Domain. This ensures that if you have 2 instances of a service, they cannot be in the same fault domain.

Update Domain:
  Whereas Fault Domains are a physical separation, Upgrade Domains are a logical separation. Upgrade domains exist so when Microsoft rolls out a new software feature or bug fix (Planned update), each upgrade domain is upgraded at different times. This ensures that if you have at least 2 instances, your service will never go down as the result of an upgrade.
  Azure services can have up to 5 upgrade domains by default (max of 20). When you create a new service instance, Azure automatically places it in the next upgrade domain. If you have more than 5 instances, 7 for example, upgrade domains 0-1 will have 2 instances and upgrade domains 2-4 will have 1 instance.
 Load balancer setup process:
   You must add Availability set for all Virtual machines that you are going to add in Load balancer.
   Availability set only enable at the time of VM creation.
   All Availability set VM should use same Virtual Network.

IOPS and DiskPool 

Download and install to test the IOPS of disk.
Diskspd.exe -b8K -d1 -r -w50 -c50M c:\io.dat
d- number of seconds.
b- IO block size in bytes
r- Read operations
w- write operations
c-create file
IOPS- Input ouput operations
Create 4 or 5 data disks based on your requirement
Server Manager->File and Storage services->Storage pool->Select all disks and right click, choose new storage pool.
Under Virtual Disk->new virtual disk ->etc
It will create disk pool and it will have more IOPS than normal disk.

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